About Us

Fairy Creek Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC), Canada: One of the last old growth forests whose trees are the nests, habitat for Marbled Murrelet and other endangered migratory birds protected by an international treaty between Canada, the United States, Mexico, Japan and Russia.

Message from Co-founder Bridget Hammerquist at fundraising event May 21, 2023

About Us

Friends of Fairy Creek is a not for profit community based organization devoted to the preservation of Old Growth tree stands and forests in Canada. Our Mission is specifically supported by the Migratory Birds Treaty (MBT). Canada is one of 5 member nations that have entered into a treaty to preserve migratory birds and their habitats. The treaty is the prevailing law of the land and applies to all the lands in Canada whether privately or publicly held. A violation of the treaty provisions that require preservation of listed species is a punishable offense. The treaty and itʻs regulations prohibit the damaging, dismantling or destroying the nest of a listed migratory bird. The Old Growth tree is the nest for the MaMu and other listed species. Violation of the Treaty is punishable by significant fines and/or incarceration. See section 13 (Offenses and Punishment) of the Migratory Birds Convention Act. There is no law in Canada that supersedes the Treaty. The Federal and Provincial governments have been allowing cut blocks for the timber industry that permit cutting down and removing Old Growth trees from the forests, an abject violation of the Migratory Birds Treaty and Canadaʻs Migratory Birds Convention Act.

1. We have a legal team and a solid legal basis to end the illegal destruction of Old Growth.

2. Experts have sworn affidavits that are the evidentiary basis for our court action.

3. Our petition to the Supreme Court of BC Canada was filed April 24, 2023. Links to the court action can be found on our home page.

4. The petition seeks a Declaration from the Court that the Migratory Birds Treaty and Canadaʻs Migratory Birds Convention Act prohibit the harassment or destruction of a listed/protected migratory sea birds.

5. The Old Growth is specifically the habitat of the MaMu a listed migratory sea bird that relies on the upper platform limbs of Old Growth for itʻs nesting habitat.

6. The MaMu does not build a nest, the tree is itʻs nest.

7. We are asking people to make whatever monetary contribution they can to support the legal expenses incurred in prosecuting our Petition. 

8. We will provide updates to supporters as the case progresses.

Michael Coon, MSc, Director, Co-founder
Jenica K. Waymen, BA, Director, Co-founder
Bridget Hammerquist, Juris Doctorate, BSN, Co-founder

Jenica K. Waymen, Bridget Hammerguist and Michael Coon